Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Comic 563: Awww yeah

I liked this comic well enough. It wasn't great, but it's much better than most nowadays.

Carl's problem with it is that it's creepy. There's nothing wrong with a creepy comic.* Creepiness isn't exactly new to xkcd. There have been plenty of creepy, funny comics in the past. This comic had math and a dirty joke, what more do you need? Oh, more funny? Well screw you, they can't all be this funny.
Again, I think Carl is just trying to find things to hate.

Not that I think we should be giving Randall a break, he's still pretty awful.

*Granted, this is one of my favorite comics, so maybe take that with a grain of salt.


Zennistrad said...

Wait, there are xkcd strips you hate?

If you think xkcd sucks is so bad, then shouldn't ypu like the comic like any sane person would?

Unknown said...

I think you misunderstand. This blog is stating that xkcdsucks in fact sucks.


The poster of this blog actually likes XKCD.